Saturday, October 27, 2007

What shall you sow, so shall you reap!!

October 27th, 2007

IF you want an apple, why would you sow a cactus in the soil.??

Soil has a beautiful quality of reaping whatever comes to it. Its neutral to all, just like our mothers. She is equivocal for all her kids.


A baker in a little countryside town bought the butter he used from a nearby farmer (who is also made some dairy products). One day he suspected that the brick of butter were not full 500gms, and for several days he weighed them.

He was right. They were short of weight, and he had the farmer arrested for this.

At the trial the judge said to the farmer, "I presume you have standard weights?"

"No, your honor."

"Then how do you manage to weigh the butter you sell?" inquired the judge.

The farmer replied, "That's easily explained, your honor. I have balances and for a weight (tarazu in hindi) I use a 500gms of bread-loaf I buy from the baker."

World is a reactive place. As the law of Newton says:-

For every action, there is equal and opposite reaction”

Same applies to life. When you want to get 100% output, how can you rely on 90% input.?


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