Monday, October 8, 2007

MONEY!!! The sum of Life???

October 8th, 2007.

Hey!! I got a new FORD car for me, it’s real pleasure to have it!!! I have got a new CELLPHONE, with amazing Features!!! My bike goes faster than 50% of four wheelers!!!!

Haven’t heard this quite a while???

Yes, we do hear it every now and then. We have all yearned for this luxury and at the end, MONEY gets it for us.

We are taught that money is not everything, by the same teacher who is working at school and then taking classes to afford his luxury like a car or buy a dream bungalow.

We have heard lots many time that money can buy this and not that….(Almost 100’s to mention). But it’s true that world is in favour of material things than the spiritual.

As I notice the people coming out of temple, gossiping about some personality or cursing even the creator for the theft of their footwear, makes me realise that materiality has ranked ahead.

It’s better to see the people coming out of restaurants with happy faces and enjoyment, then to see someone out of temple.

Also, the MONEY factor has lured many to outperform a task than merely doing it. So it has a magnetic or say, an catalytic power, to catapult against one’s best self.

We say that 80% of world speaks and know English, but it is only MONEY language which can be spoken anywhere (almost 99% places) around the world.

As per my conclusions, MONEY might not be a Key to success but yes, if you have money you can get a KEY made for the success.


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